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Table of Contents Volume 51 - 1966

NOS. 1 AND 2,

Huemulite, Na 4 MgV 10 O 28 ·24H 2 O, a new hydrous sodium and magnesium vanadate from Huemul Mine, Mendoza Province, Argentina
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C. E. Gordillo, E. Linares, R. O. Toubes and H. Winchell 1
Phase relations in the silver-tellurium system
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 F. C. Kracek, C. J. Ksanda and L. J. Cabri 14
Kostovite, a gold-copper telluride from Bulgaria
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G. Terziev 29
Kamacite and taenite superstructures and a metastable tetragonal phase in iron meteorites
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A. R. Ramsden and E. N. Cameron 37
Jennite, a new mineral
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A. B. Carpenter, R. A. Chalmers, J. A. Gard, K. Speakman and H. F. W. Taylor 56
Brucite in Alpine serpentinites
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P. B. Hostetler, R. G. Coleman, F. A. Mumpton and B. W. Evans 75
Diagenetic polyhalite in Recent salt from Baja California
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William T. Holser 99
Ion-exchange constants of natural glasses by the electrode method
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Alfred H. Truesdell 110
Refinement of the hematite structure
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R. L. Blake, and R. E. Hessevick, Tibor Zoltai and Larry W. Finger 123
Nickel-iron content of peridotite inclusion and cognate olivine from an alkali-olivine basalt
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Robert B. Forbes and Shohei Banno 130
Synthetic bromellite. III. Some optical properties
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H. W. Newkirk, D. K. Smith and J. S. Kahn 141
A system of nomenclature for rare-earth minerals
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A. A. Levinson 152
Computation of absorption corrections, and the significance of end effect
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Charles W . Burnham 159
The crystal structure of metastrengite and its relationship to strengite and phosphophyllite
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Paul B. Moore 168
Physical properties of calcic labradorite from Lake County, Oregon
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D. B. Stewart, G. W. Walker, T. L. Wright and J. J. Fahey 177
Buergerite, a new species of tourmaline

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Gabrielle Donnay, C. O. Ingamells and Brian Mason 198
A new analysis of cossyrite from the island of Pantelleria
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E. G. Zies 200
Effects of magnesium on the formation of apatite
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Dale R. Simpson 205
Greigite from the Lojane chromium deposit, Macedonia
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Dusan R. Radusinovic 209
Blue synthetic quartz
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D. L. Wood and A. A Ballman 216
Blackening of natural quartz by γ-irradiation
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Charles J. Ritter and William H. Dennen 220
Whewellite from septarian concretions near Milan, Ohio
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C. Hyde and R. A. Landy 228
Lacustrine glauconitic mica from pluvial Lake Mound, Lynn and Terry Counties, Texas
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W. T. Parry and C. C. Reeves, Jr. 229
Dehydration of diaspore at water pressures from 15 to 15,000 psi.
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 Jon N. Weber 235
An x-ray method for defining composition of a magnesium spinel
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Walter C. Allen 239
The origin of mechanical twinning in galena
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Kenneth D. Lyall 243
Book Reviews
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Abstracts of papers, Mineralogical Society of America Joint Meeting with the American Crystallographic Association, June 27-July 2, 1965
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NOS. 3 AND 4,

The hydrous nickel-magnesium silicates-The garnierite group
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George T. Faust 279
Petrology and mineralogy of the Mount Rosa area, El Paso and Teller Counties, Colorado. II. Pegmatites
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E. B. Gross and E. Wm. Heinrich 299
Montmorillonite exchange equilibria with strontium-sodium-cesium
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 J. R. Eliason 324
Eclogite, peridotite and pyrope from the Navajo county, Arizona and New Mexico
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M. J. O'Hara and E. L. P. Mercy 336
Phase relationships of chlorites in the system MgO-Al 2 O 3 -SiO 2 -H 2 O
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J. J. Fawcett and H. S. Yoder 353
A cerian vesuvianite from California
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Joseph Murdoch and Blanche L. Ingram 381
Effects of isomorphous substitution in hydrothermally-synthesized tobermorite
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Sidney Diamond, Joe L. White and W. L. Dolch 388
Phase equilibria in calc-silicate hornfels, Lewis and Clark County, Montana
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William G. Melson 402
Cause of colors in wavellite from Dug Hill, Arkansas
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Margaret D. Foster and Waldemar T. Schaller 422
Unit cell dimensions and ionic substitutions in common clinopyroxenes
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K. Viswanathan 429
The relationship between basic ferric sulfate and plumbojarosite
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W. G. Mumme and T. R. Scott 443
Electron-microscopic observation of dehydroxylated micas
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M. Nakahira and M. Uda 454
X-ray spectrographic determination of hafnium-zirconium ratio in zirconium minerals
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A. M. Abdel-Gawad 464
Thermoluminescence of fluorite and age of deposition
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Frank N. Blanchard 474
Analcite in the Newcastle Coal Measure sediments of the Sydney Basin, Australia
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 F. C. Loughnan 486
The hydrothermal synthesis of montmorillonite group minerals from kaolinite, quartz and various carbonates

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A. A. Levinson and R. W. Vian 495
A note on the examination of pyrite in conventional differential thermal analysis equipment
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W. F. Cole and D. N. Crook 499
Beryl in a Montana tactite body
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Ralph H. King 502
New data on roeblingite
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Franklin F. Foit, Jr. 504
Hollow chrysotile fibers
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R. A. Clifton, Jr., Charles W. Huggins and H. R. Shell 508
Complex alkali titanium oxides Ax(B y Ti 8-y )O 16 of the α-MnO 2 structure-type
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G. Bayer and W. Hoffman 511
Inverted phase relation in the formation of nepheline and carnegieite from the system kaolinite -- sodium carbonate
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Yasushi Kubo, Goro Yamaguchi and Komei Kasahara 516
Scandium borate, ScBO 3
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Albrecht Biedl 521
Optical properties of metamorphic albite
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Maria L. Crawford 523
Dimensional and compositional control of garnet growth by mineralogical environment
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Randall L. Gresens 524
New Mineral Names
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Michael Fleischer 529
Book Reviews
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Proceedings of the forty-sixth annual meeting, Mineralogical Society of America at Kansas City, Missouri
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Constitution and By-Laws of the Mineralogical Society of America
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Directory of Fellows and Members of the Mineralogical Society of America
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Geographical List
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NOS. 5 AND 6,
MAY-JUNE, 1966

Coconinoite, a new uranium mineral from Utah and Arizona
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E. J. Young, A. D. Weeks and Robert Meyrowitz 651
Plagioclase-spinel-graphite xenoliths in metallic iron-bearing basalts, Disko Island, Greenland
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William G. Melson and George Switzer 664
Gaspeite, (Ni,Mg,Fe)(CO 3 ) 2 , a new carbonate from the Gaspe Peninsula, Quebec
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D. W. Kohls and J. L. Rodda 677
Serpentinization considered as a constant-volume metasomatic process
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 T. P. Thayer 685
The morphology of chrysotile asbestos as inferred from nitrogen adsorption data
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A. W. Naumann and W. H. Dresher 711
An experimental study bearing on the absence of leucite in plutonic rocks
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C. M. Scarfe, W. C. Luth and O. F. Tuttle 726
The melting of analcite solid solutions in the system NaAlSiO 4 -NaAlSi 3 O 8 -H 2 O
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Tj. Peters, W. C. Luth and O. F. Tuttle 736
Evidence for [(SiO 3 ) 5 ]{infinity} type chains in inesite as shown by x-ray and infrared absorption studies
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William R. Ryall and Ian M. Threadgold 754
Myrmekite in charnockite from south-west Nigeria
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Fred H. Hubbard 762
Optical absorption spectra of iron in the rock-forming silicates
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William B. White and Kenneth L. Keester 774
Some observations on oscillatory zoning and crystallization of magmatic plagioclase
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Y. Bottinga, A. Kudo, and D. Weill 792
Compositional variations of plagioclase feldspar from a basaltic lava flow
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Jerry M. Hoffer 807
A further refinement of the crystal structure of cummingtonite, (Mg,Fe) 7 (Si 4 O 11 )2(OH) 2
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Karl F. Fischer 814
Carbonate-bearing apatite from Faraday Township, Ontario, Canada
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R. A. Gulbrandsen, J. R. Kramer, L. B. Beatty and R. E. Mays 819
The mineralogy of illites and mixed-layer illite/montmorillonites
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John Hower and Thomas C. Mowatt 825
Suggested terminology for interstratified clay minerals
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F. Donald Bloss 855
Weathering effects on the structures of mica-type clay minerals
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Necip Güven and Paul F. Kerr 858
The nature of aluminum hydroxide-montmorillonite complexes
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J. E. Brydon and H. Kodama 875
Refinement of the structure of sulvanite
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Felix J. Trojer 890
Electron-probe determination of inter-element relationships in manganese nodules

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Roger G. Burns and D. W. Fuerstenau 895
Cation exchange properties of wairakite and analcime
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L. L. Ames, Jr. 903
Silica-rich chabazite from the Barstow Formation, San Bernardino County, Southern California
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Arthur J. Gude, 3rd and Richard A. Sheppard 909
Crossed axial plane dispersion in epididymite
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Ole V. Petersen 916
Determination of indicatrix orientation and 2V with the spindle stage: a caution and a test
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Hedley G. Wright 919
Upper stability of muscovite
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B. Velde 924
Schroeckingerite from Ambrosia Lake uranium district
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V. J. Barczak 929
A micropycnometer for the determination of the specific gravity of minerals
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Irving May and John Marinenko 931
Palermo "hühnerkobelite" is alluaudite
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D. Jerome Fisher 935
Reply to Prof. D. J. Fisher
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Paul B. Moore 939
Book Reviews
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NO. 7, JULY, 1966

Roedderite, a new mineral from the Indarch meteorite
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Louis H. Fuchs, Clifford Frondel and Cornelis Klein, Jr. 949
The crystal structure of jadeite, NaAlSi 2 O 6
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C. T. Prewitt and Charles W. Burnham 956
The system acmite-diopside and its bearing on the stability relations of natural pyroxenes of the acmite-hedenbergite-diopside series
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Kenzo Yagi 976
An approximate method for computing the isotropic sound velocities using refractive index data
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Orson L. Anderson 1001
The crystal structure of mizzonite, a calcium- and carbonate-rich scapolite
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J. J. Papike and Neville C. Stephenson 1014
Zoisite-rutile rock from Los Angeles County, California
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A. K. Temple 1028
The nature of the component layers of rectorite
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H. Kodama 1035
Selected Great Basin playa clays
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Necip Güven and Paul F. Kerr 1056
The polymorphism of cordierite I: The crystal structure of low cordierite
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G. V. Gibbs 1068
Alkalic rocks and carbonatites of the Arkansas River Canyon, Fremont County, Colorado. 3. The Amethyst carbonatites
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E. Wm. Heinrich and Joel R. Shappirio 1088
Hendricksite, a new species of mica
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Clifford Frondel and Jun Ito 1107
Crystal structure of a two-layer Mg-vermiculite
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Haruo Shirozu and S. W. Bailey 1124
Organic dolomite from Point Fermin, California
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J. H. Spotts and S. R. Silverman 1144
Thermoluminescence of calcite from high gamma radiation doses
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J. E. Vaz and E. J. Zeller 1156
Stability, lattice parameters, and thermal expansion of β-cristobalite
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F. Aumento 1167
Significance of iron rich silicates in the Mezo-Madaras chondrite
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Robert T. Dodd, Jr., W. Randall Van Schmus and Ursula B. Marvin 1177
Mineralogical investigations in the debris of the Gnome event near Carlsbad, New Mexico
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J. S. Kahn and D. K. Smith 1192
The influence of sample texture on chrysotile dehydroxylation
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A. W. Naumann and W. H. Dresher 1200
Mineralogical Notes:
The significance of habit and morphology of wulfenite

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Sidney A. Williams 1212
The unit cell of tarbuttite, Zn2(PO4)(OH), and paradamite, Zn2(AsO4)(OH)
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J. J. Finney 1218
Mixtures of hexagonal and monoclinic pyrrhotite and the measurement of the metal content of pyrrhotite by x-ray diffraction
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R. G. Arnold 1221
An unusual hourglass structure in augite
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J. Preston 1227
Sample cups and a technique for sideward packing of x-ray diffractometer specimens
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Ann Marie Byström-Asklund 1233
The preparation of thin sections of fragmental materials using epoxy resin
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Richard D. Hagni 1237
Use of the binocular microscope for orientation of single crystals
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Paul D. Robinson 1243
Synthetic pollucites in the system Cs 2 O·Al 2 O 3 ·4SiO 2 -Cs 2 O·Fe 2 O 3 ·4SiO 2 -H 2 O - their phase relationship and physical properties: A discussion
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O. C. Kopp and G. W. Clark 1243
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NO. 8, AUGUST, 1966

Index of New Mineral Names, Discredited Minerals, and Changes of Mineralogical Nomenclature in Volumes 1-50 of The American Mineralogist Michael Fleischer
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Table 1. Alphabetical index of new minerals, discredited minerals, and changes of mineralogical nomenclature
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Table 2. Classification by anionic groups
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Table 3. Classification by elements
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NOS. 9 AND 10.

The alkali feldspar solvus in the system Na 2 O-K 2 O-Al 2 O 3 -SiO 2 -H 2 O
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W. C. Luth and O. F. Tuttle 1359
Physical properties of anorthoclase from Antarctica
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Eugene L. Boudette and Arthur B. Ford 1374
Barium feldspars from Franklin, New Jersey
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Clifford Frondel, Jun Ito and John G. Hendricks 1388
Virginia metamict minerals: perrierite and chevkinite
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Richard S. Mitchell 1394
Zincian aegirine-augite and jeffersonite from Franklin, New Jersey
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Clifford Frondel and Jun Ito 1406
The petrology of the Karroo basalts of Basutoland
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K. G. Cox and G. Hornung 1414
Petrology and mineralogy of the Mount Rosa area, El Paso and Teller Counties, Colorado. III. Lamprophyres and mineral deposits
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E. B. Gross and E. Wm. Heinrich 1433
Umiat bentonite: an unusual montmorillonite from Umiat, Alaska
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Duwayne M. Anderson and Robert C. Reynolds 1443
Free energy of formation of kaolinite from solubility measurements
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J. A. Kittrick 1457
The source of ferromagnetism in zircon
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R. R. Lewis and F. E. Senftle 1467
Fluor-chlor-oxy-apatite and sphene from Crystal Lode pegmatite, near Eagle, Colorado
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Edward J. Young and Elaine L. Munson 1476
Catoptrite and yeatmanite stuffed pyrochroite structures
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Paul B. Moore 1494
New type of ferric iron tourmaline
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Clifford Frondel, Albrecht Biedl and Jun Ito 1501
Meteoritic rutile
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Peter R. Buseck and Klaus Keil 1506
Manganese- and strontium-bearing fluorapatite from the Peerless pegmatite, South Dakota

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Edward J. Young, Douglas M. Sheridan and Elaine L. Munson 1516
Stability and properties of the synthetic pyroxene CaAl 2 SiO 6
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James Fred Hays 1524
X-ray crystallography of rinkite
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Glauco Gottardi 1529
Mackinawite from the Witwatersrand conglomerates
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Manfred Schidlowski and Joachim Ottemann 1535
Application of plastic peel techniques to the study of silicate rocks
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Daniel S. Barker 1541
"Karnacite and taenite superstructures and a metastable tetragonal phase in iron meteorites." Correction
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A. R. Ramsdell and E. N. Cameron 1544
New Mineral Names
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M. Fleischer 1546
Book Reviews
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May meeting of the Mineralogical Society of America
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NOS. 11 AND 12,

Zellerite and metazellerite, new uranyl carbonates
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R. G. Coleman, D. R. Ross and R. Meyrowitz 1567
The crystal structure of fluellite, Al 2 PO 4 F 2 (OH)·7H 2 O
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Brian B. Guy and G. A. Jeffrey 1579
Trace elements in alkali feldspars, Quadrilatero Ferrifero, Minas Gerais, Brazil
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Norman Herz and C. V. Dutra 1593
The thermodynamic properties of the aluminum silicates
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 J. L. Holm and O. J. Kleppa 1608
Barium-vanadium muscovite and vanadium tourmaline from Mariposa County, California
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Kenneth G. Snetsinger 1623
Mineralogical studies of kaolinite-halloysite clays: Part IV. A platy mineral with structural swelling and shrinking characteristics
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Persio de Souza Santos, Helena de Souza Santos and G. W. Brindley 1640
Illite: A model based on the sorption behavior of cesium
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H. E. Gaudette, R. E. Grim and C. F. Metzger 1649
Molecular structure and pH effects on the adsorption of 13 s-triazine compounds on montmorillonnite clay
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 J. B. Weber 1657
Mineralogy of the Labrieville anorthosite, Quebec
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Alfred T. Anderson, Jr. 1671
An x-ray diffraction study of synthetic members of the pyromorphite series
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W. E. Baker 1712
Disordered orthopyroxene in meteorites
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Sidney S. Pollack 1722
Relationships between cell parameters and chemical compositions of monoclinic amphiboles
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Patricia A. Colville, W. G. Ernst and M. C. Gilbert 1727
Magnesium phosphate mineral replacement at Mono Lake, California
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Lewis H. Cohen and Paul H. Ribbe 1755
Bredigite, larnite, and γ dicalcium silicates from Marble Canyon
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Thomas E. Bridge 1766
Ammonium ions in sericites

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Tsutomu Yamamoto and Mitsuoki Nakahira 1775
Variations of the basal spacings of muscovite in sillimanite bearing pelitic schists of northwestern Maine
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Charles V. Guidotti 1778
External specific surface area of vermiculite
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K. V. Raman and M. M. Mortland 1787
Melting relations of KAlSi 3 O 8 : effect of pressures up to 40 kilobars
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D. H. Lindsley 1793
Phenocrystic spineliferous titanomagnetites from trachyandesites, Iki Island, Japan
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Ken-ichiro Aoki 1799
Cell dimensions and space group of tamarugite
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Paul D. Robinson, J. H. Fang and F. D. Bloss 1805
Growth of single crystals of ZrO 2 and HfO 2 from PbF 2
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A. B. Chase and Judith A. Osmer 1808
Cacoxenite from Arkansas
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D. Jerome Fisher 1811
New Mineral Names
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Michael Fleischer 1815
Book Reviews
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Index to Volume 51
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Source: http://www.minsocam.org/msa/collectors_corner/amtoc/toc1966.htm

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